Thursday, May 19, 2011

Well It Seems As Though We Are Finally Doing It!

Tim and I have briefly mentioned blogs before, but I do not think that we have ever made the connection between "blogging" and "blogging about our lives". But hey, why not? I am obsessed with reading blogs, so it should be fun to begin. After some of our already crazy experiences and stories that we have shared with others, a journal has been requested of us and what better way to journal than to try out a blog. A few things you should know before you begin to read our stories and read about our lives:

1) Tim and I have a wonderful relationship and I can always count on him to be the cool and collected individual at all times. And, when there is always someone cool, calm, and collected, there is always the crazy, grab the horns, take charge kinda girl in there somewhere. And there's where I come in. This will explain a lot of things when following our stories in the future.

2) I am completely obsessed with getting married to Tim and I can not, can not, (let me repeat) CAN NOT wait to become his wife! That is why there could be random explosions of rants about the subject of holy matrimony.

3) We are currently fixing our first house together. It has been an adventure, and it is still continuing to be an adventure! We are all the time either painting, planning, or shopping for house things. Tim and Otto are currently living in the new house, and I will move in once "Miss" becomes "Mrs".

4) Otto is the love of both of our lives! He is a sweet boxer that we rescued from a shelter, back when he a was wee little pup. He melts our hearts every time we look at his sweet little face, but there are times when we plays his puppy mind games and all we can do is pray for patience and stare into his sweet eyes and just focus on his cuteness.

5) Tim and I (and Otto) are not perfect, you may have already found me out based the horrible trail of mis-spellings and grammatical errors. But, we are constantly learning new things about each other and our relationship each day. We love getting to continue to learn more about each other and get closer and closer to becoming husband and wife.

Anyways, there is a lovely preface before you begin reading! We hope you enjoy! :)

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